Ellie Richardson, Consultant
Ellie Richardson is a transformational coach and consultant with Transpective. Ellie leads our unique development program, Igniting Leadership©, and coaches "Transformation Agents" in the workplace.
Her work focuses on programs designed to provide clergy, churches, healthcare and community-based health and human service organizations with access to leadership and organizational transformation opportunities using the Transpective methodology.
Ellie is an ordained clergyperson in the United Church of Christ, serving as Minister of Spiritual Development for the Community, in the Northeast Area of Massachusetts.
Ellie has more than 30 years' experience in healthcare. Her background includes both clinical and management experience in diagnostic imaging in hospital and freestanding facilities.
Ellie's business experience includes 18 years as Executive Director of North Shore Magnetic Imaging Center. Ellie leads a variety of programs focusing on personal and organizational transformation and development.
To contact Ellie: 508.341.7931 or erichardson@transpective.com