Building the Bridge As You Walk On It by Robert Quinn
An inspiration to anyone seeking to transform their leadership and their life.
Quinn developed a new model he describes as, “the fundamental state of
leadership” that can be accessed by engaging eight practices that center on a
theme of increasing integrity.
Leadership Without Easy Answers by Ronald Heifetz
Looking at the issues we face in business and world affairs - Heifetz distinguishes technical problems from adaptive problems – this distinction allows you to wrap your arms around the work of managers and the work of leaders in a way that gives you access to inventing practices that best suit the problem at hand.
Managing for Results by Peter Drucker
One of many Drucker favorites – a hands on practical book that gives you access to the thinking of a manager. If you can think like a manager, you have the chance to act like a manager. This book is a classic on the effective exercise of management.
Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change by William Bridges
"Never lose sight of the fact that it is not so much that you are starting something new but it is that you are stopping something old". Bridges takes the concepts from his first book Transitions and applies them to organizations. A must read for anyone who is leading or living with change in the workplace.
New Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton
A wake up call to say the least. This book asks the hard questions about our “inner” self. Something you will read several times before it can be heard. One of those few books that will alter your future after reading it.
Oh, the Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss
An inspirational book for all ages, Dr Seuss captures the road we all travel as we encounter life.
On Becoming A Leader by Warren Bennis
“Only when we know what we’re made of and what we want to make of it can we begin our lives – and we must do it despite an unwitting conspiracy of people and events against it.” This is the central inquiry of one of Bennis’s great writings.
Transitions by William Bridges
An essential guide for the certain changes of a healthy life. Bridges has created a three-part model to locate oneself, and be grounded as the earth shifts beneath your feet.
Up the Organization by Robert Townsend
A radical look at organizations and the people who lead them. Townsend turns must conventional wisdom upside down. This book makes you think about all of the “common sense” you are addicted to. The companion book “Further Up the Organization” is also classic.
The Way of Man by Martin Buber
This tiny book, asks only one basic question: Why are we here? Buber invites readers to enter the "way" that leads to becoming fully human and living with others in true community. In this era of technology overload and seeking new experiences to break through the numbing of our hearts, and the sleep of our consciousness, what Buber speaks about in the Way of Man is truly an invitation to the "road less traveled."