Visioning and Realizing a Compelling Future
for a Small Congregation
A Case Study
Three small yet urban-based church congregations in Massachusetts merge to form one church and, in the years that follow, become home to two new "church starts," each an ethnic congregation.
The current pastor has been serving for 17 months prior to the Transpective engagement. When he begins his service there, worship attendance averages 35-40 people. Attendance has grown to average 80 people, including youth. A growing enthusiasm is being fostered through new members, a small group ministry program and an expanding focus on mission in the community.
The Pastor and the church Moderator, recognizing the need for a clear vision and a plan for the future, engage a not-for-profit consulting firm to lead an organizational assessment. The assessment confirms the need for a strategic planning process to address the following challenges:
- Financing the structural and cosmetic repair of an aging building.
- Serving a multicultural, economically challenged local community that needs outreach in meaningful ways.
- Engaging the small congregation in this transformation without overwhelming them.
- Being good financial stewards of the endowments received through the meager resources of three historical churches.
- Building and maintaining a vibrant worship.
In light of Transpective's outstanding track record for providing strategic plans and for leading successful organizational transformations, the church engages the Transpective team for this mission.
Transpective's Plan of Engagement
The following program is designed to address the challenges facing this energetic and spirit-filled congregation and to facilitate them in creating a vision and strategy for the church.
The process begins by having participants acknowledge and appreciate the church history and its aspirations for the future. The process continues through a series of sessions to create a vision, discuss the results they want to achieve, talk about the shortfalls, map out ways to remove the shortfalls and build teams to do the actual work necessary to follow their vision.
Participation in the program is open to the entire congregation, representing the congregation's multicultural, socio-economic, generational and gender diversity. The common thread among the participants is a deep commitment to the church, the community and to mission. Meeting participation ranges from 18 to 26 people.
Recognizing that communication is crucial to the ongoing success of the projects, a variety of methods are implemented to engage the wider congregation, including:
- A "Light of God" moment shared during worship each Sunday.
- Articles placed in the weekly bulletin and monthly newsletter.
- Posters with "Compelling Future" messages placed throughout the church to encourage discussion.
- Coffees held in members' homes with an invitation extended to the wider congregation.
- Phone messages delivered through the church's telephone tree to update and engage members.
Engagement Outcomes
This small congregation continues to actively pursue and live into the future they created. They are "being" their stand inside their walls as well as in the wider community. Outcomes of the projects they declared include:
- Building five transitional housing units within the existing church facilities.
- Hosting and participating in ongoing efforts to eradicate homelessness within the community.
- Sponsoring fundraising events for local outreach programs to help those in need.
- Applying for and receiving grant funding to cover a significant portion of the architectural planning costs for several projects.
- Providing multicultural worship services monthly.
- Implementing a meals program at the church.
- Hosting a global music event open to the community.
- Partnering with local social service agencies in support of their transitional housing project, as well as their efforts to end homelessness.
- Partnering with the community neighborhood organization to clean up the local park.
As their web site declares, they are, "a socially progressive, culturally diverse, Christian church, welcoming people from all religious backgrounds, cultures, and lifestyles. The church is actively involved in the local community and offers a comprehensive Sunday school program to those with school-age children."